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E-mail : debra@lifetransitionschicago.com
Jackie Pilossoph, Divorced Girl Smiling, shared this great article about dating after divorce. https://www.divorcedgirlsmiling.com/dating-after-divorce-advice-tips-and-why-this-is-an-exciting-time/
Dating after divorce is something many people dread (I definitely dreaded it 11 years ago.) In fact, a lot of couples decide to stay together (not get divorced) because neither wants to start dating again. I mean, isn’t that why you got married in the first place? Because you enjoyed monogamy and didn’t want to go on awkward, uncomfortable dates anymore? So, why would dating after divorce be appealing? Who wants to put themselves out there again, be vulnerable, take chances, spend time with people you know in the first two minutes aren’t for you, or face rejection, i.e. go out with someone you really like only to have the person never call you again? Thoughts of dating after divorce can feel hopeless, depressing and just plain scary.
Dating after divorce is something many people dread (I definitely dreaded it 11 years ago.) In fact, a lot of couples decide to stay together (not get divorced) because neither wants to start dating again. I mean, isn’t that why you got married in the first place? Because you enjoyed monogamy and didn’t want to go on awkward, uncomfortable dates anymore? So, why would dating after divorce be appealing? Who wants to put themselves out there again, be vulnerable, take chances, spend time with people you know in the first two minutes aren’t for you, or face rejection, i.e. go out with someone you really like only to have the person never call you again? Thoughts of dating after divorce can feel hopeless, depressing and just plain scary.
But here’s the reason dating after divorce can be appealing: The chance to find true love. If someone was married, that person obviously enjoys marriage/monogamy/a partnership. He or she was just married to the wrong person or was in a situation that wasn’t working. So, wouldn’t it make sense that the person would want to try marriage again, this time with the right person? For that reason, even with all the negative feelings attached, and all the frogs a person has to kiss and all the heartbreaks that go with new relationships, dating after divorce offers the hope of finding love again—maybe the deepest, best love you’ve ever known. I mean, how are you going to meet someone significant if you aren’t willing to date? You aren’t. The bottom line is, you have to endure a little pain (and a lot of patience) to get the big payoff.
I get so many emails from divorced men and women asking for divorce advice for dating again.
“Where do I begin in dating after divorce?”
“How do I start dating again?”
“How do I do this?”
Here is my answer: START WITH YOU. Start by liking yourself as you are, and accepting yourself as you are. Let me explain.
I was 16 when I started dating. I met my now ex-husband at 33 and was married at 35. I then started dating again at 42. Dating at 42 is a heck of a lot different than dating at 16 and up (before marriage). At 16, and in my twenties and even thirties I felt untainted, happy-go-lucky, prettier, skinnier, and had no bitterness or baggage or history of anything bad at all really. At 42, let’s start with looks. I had: wrinkles, sagging skin, a muffin top, varicose veins, not to mention a broken heart and baggage. That said, 42 had its pluses. I found myself with more wisdom, compassion, I was more interesting, I was funnier, and I still felt physically attractive, but in a more mature, confident way.
I met someone at 43, and dated him for 6 years before we broke up. So, I then started dating again at 49! This time was even worse. I had more wrinkles, a bigger muffin top, more varicose veins, and more baggage. I also began having some health challenges (typical age-related). But, at 49 I also had even more wisdom, compassion, I was even more interesting, AND I found gratitude and peace. I was gentler, less impulsive. I felt smarter, I really liked myself, and I was proud of myself from a professional standpoint and as a mom.
The key to dating after divorce and/or dating at an older age is to love yourself for all of your wonderful qualities and accept things as they are. That’s not to say you should eat burgers and fries every night and accept that you are larger. But rather to accept that perfection isn’t realistic nor is it necessary. Effort, gratitude and self-love are so much more important than perfection. Be who you are, but be the best of who you are–the person you really really like and respect. Then, what others think won’t matter so much.
Now let’s get down to specifics.
Here are my 15 dating after divorce tips:
Dating after divorce really is scary, but don’t tell me there’s not a part of you that feels a little bit excited at the promise of meeting someone and falling in love again. It’s OK to admit it! If you are newly separated or divorced, you’ve probably felt lonely for a very long time, so dating after divorce offers the potential to find friendship, companionship, laughter, warmth, deep love, and a meaningful bond. I wish that for everyone who wants it. What’s so beautiful about humans is that our hearts, even after being broken have the capacity to love again, and love in an even deeper and more meaningful way. You might surprise yourself. You might not have met the love of your life yet!
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