E-mail : debra@lifetransitionschicago.com


Chicago Individual Counseling and Therapy

People seek individual therapy for many different reasons. Sometimes it takes a crisis to motivate someone to begin therapy, and sometimes it is as simple of a feeling as knowing that you are not living the life you have always wanted and needing to understand why. Changes in our lives sometimes provide the opportunity to look at ourselves and therapy is a nurturing, safe and honest environment to regroup during times of transitions or challenges. If you find yourself struggling with any of the following, it is also a good idea to explore the idea of a therapeutic relationship.

  • Feeling sad, lonely or anxious much of the time
  • Struggling with your relationships with people in your life
  • Having issues around self-esteem and self-worth
  • Feeling as though others just “don’t get you”
  • Feeling stuck
  • Feeling overwhelmed, overstressed
  • Having troubles in communicating in a way that you feel heard, understood and validated.

These are just a few areas that a supportive, trusting therapeutic relationship can make a difference in your life and help you to overcome the obstacles that are standing in your way of living a more fulfilling and peaceful life.

Talk to an Individual Therapist Today

If you find yourself feeling stressed, have self-esteem or anxiety issues or are struggling with personal relationships in your life, speaking with a therapist may be beneficial to you. To speak with an individual therapist in a warm and inviting environment, contact us today at 872-256-1477 to schedule a session.


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